
Win a $50 or a $25 GC: Find Your Way Back by Javacia Harris Bowser

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What Mythical Animal Would You Want as a Pet?

Win a $25 GC: Are You Okay, Elliot Hart? by Kate S. Martin

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Your favorite podcast and why

Win a $50 GC: The Nantucket Beachfront Inn by Ainsley Keaton

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Something "Lucky" that happened to me

Win a $15 GC: Life's Journey by Patricia S. Gibbons

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Book Setting I'd Like to Visit

Win a Book The Author's View by Justin Newland

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Something About a Pet

Win a $50 GC: The Order of Time Series by Scott Southall