
Wednesday Blogging Challenge: Museums/Galleries I've Visited/Want to Visit

Win a $15 GC: One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World by Jose Tugaff Amoloria and Lourdes Villena Amoloria

Win a $10 GC: Toasted by Isobel Reed

Win a $25 GC, a dragonfly necklace, or a book: Exiles by L.J. Ambrosio

Enter to win a $15 GC: I Think It Might Rain by Rick Marchand

Win one of multiple prizes: Exiles Cover Reveal by L.J. Ambrosio

Win a $25 GC: Pursuit of Innocence by Bethany Rosa

Win a $25 GC: On the Threshold by M. Laszlo