Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Something I Believed, but Found Out Wasn't True

* When I was in my 20s, I believed I could eat anything I wanted and never gain a pound. Motherhood and the 30s soon taught me differently.

* When I was very young and listening to the radio, I believed that the groups actually went to the radio station to play the songs.


  1. That first one made me chuckle, Judy. I was just saying to my 19 year old nephew that he wont be able to eat the way he does and stay lean forever. He doesn't believe me... but he'll figure it out one day.

    1. he will indeed.... lol... and it's SO MUCH harder getting rid of it when we are older.

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I remember those days of eating whatever one wants and not gaining anything. I miss them. LOL.

    Your radio belief is great, too.


  3. Sure wish that first one was true (though I felt much the same way). And the second? LOL!!!

  4. Youth always think they're immortal.


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