Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: A Piece of Advice I'll Always Remember

My mother told me something when I was small that to this day I still hold as a truth...and it has stood me in good stead. In fact, Marianne's mother taught her the same thing, and we have based our business model on it.


  1. It’s such an important lesson to learn. I was taught it as a small child, too.

  2. Thumper is sooooo cute.

  3. Yes I live by this too. Great advice!

  4. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Mama gave us lots of good advice.

  5. Yes, that's one I've lived by.

  6. I honestly think that there *are* times when it's important to say something that isn't nice, but it should always be done carefully... and it really is worth remembering that you always have the option to shut up.


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