Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Things I Eat in the Average Day

I don't think I eat a lot-- of course, I keep gaining weight (or at least not losing), but I blame a lot of that on my sitting-on-my-butt not-moving-a-lot job.

This is probably not a good thing, but I tend not to eat breakfast most days. I drink a couple of cups of coffee, but by the time I check tours, promote tours, send invoices, and doing my brain training (Wordle, Quordle, and DuoLingo), it's normally mid-morning and not that long until lunch.

Normally lunch I'll either grab a sandwich or leftovers from the night before...or the night before that.

I rarely eat anything in the afteroon, but I have to admit we usually have supper later than we should. I go to see my mama from 4-5... by the time I get home and figure out what I want to fix for supper, it's between 6 and 7 (strongly emphasize meal planning, just saying!)

We don't eat a lot of fried food (well, unless we go out..then all bets are off).

We don't eat a ton of chicken (my husband is allergic). We eat pork, some beef, some vegetarian meals.... always looking for new recipes!


  1. Anonymous7:25 AM

    It’s definitely hard to avoid fried food in restaurants! :)


  2. My biggest issues isn't what I eat it is my inactivity as well.

  3. I'm a big fan of cooking ahead ... or freezer meals (double whatever meal you make and put the other half in the freezer for later). Labor saving and brain power saving :-)

  4. Meal planning is a life saver, just saying! You might not be getting enough calories which is keeping you from losing weight (along with the sitting, I have that issue, too)!

    My post

  5. Meal planning is an absolute life saver, and my husband and I do it religiously every Sunday!

  6. Hi! I am jumping on the planning meals wagon! I do my plans the week before based on what is going on, but I am flexible if something changes. I have an "emergency" meal; I can throw something together. I also like saying, "Let's order pizza!"

  7. I'm not related to them and don't work for them, but the McDougalls (parents John and Mary now leave the site to Craig and Heather) have a vegan web site. What I've learned about their vegan recipes is that you can't just say "I'll make a vegan dish for the four known vegans among the fifty people at the party." The carnivores will want the McDougall dish too. All McDougall recipes are meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and easily tweaked to be gluten-free and low in sodium.

  8. My big issue honestly is as much sleep schedule as anything: I eat to keep my energy up, and usually I need to keep my energy up because I haven't gotten enough sleep.

  9. I agree on the meal planning. I'd eat takeout all the time otherwise.


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