Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Morning Routine

My morning routine is very predictable... very boring! lol

After a potty stop, I brush my teeth, grab my coffee, let the cat out, and fire up my computer. Then, I start work.... Goddess Fish Promotions always checks our tours first thing in the morning to make sure all the stops are up and can be promoted.

Fortunately, it's a short commute (just one end of the house to the other), and it's definitely work I love.... I love our authors, I love our hosts, and I love helping to bring them together.

Night time is about as boring... wash my face, brush my teeth, play a few rounds of Candy Crush, then plug in my ear bud and listen to the current audio book on my list until I fall asleep :-).... yeah, I know... boring!


  1. I like listening to audiobooks before bed, too!


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