Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favorite Outdoor/Nature Activities

This is my favorite time of year.... winter is behind us! Spring is beautiful will all the flowers in my yard blooming. Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds are swarming around my wildflower bed. And.... it's time to get the pool ready for my all time favorite outdoor activity - swimming!

Actually, anything to do with water is right up there as my favorite... boating with the hubs, sunning by the lake, reading at the beach. Give me sun - give me water - and I am a happy girl.

How about you?


  1. I wish I could swim. Maybe one day I'll learn how to swim properly, not just sort of walk in to my neck and leave again. I envy you.

  2. I love being near water and in the sun, too!

  3. The few places here with water are lakes and too crowded to enjoy. We have lots of beach and sun here, but no water.

  4. I love swimming! If I were a billionaire, I'd have a really lovely indoor heated swimming pool for year round use.

  5. Water is a beautiful thing. I find it healing. Its enough to sit beside it and just watch.

  6. Beautiful Wife and I are both very water-oriented: swimming, sailing, slashing around... time around a lake would be very welcome.


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