Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Creative Outlets I Enjoy

I have a lot of creative things I enjoy doing.... but, the issue is the time to do them. Working the way I do, it's hard to squeeze in everything I love, but I do my best to not be a "dull boy." You know what they say about all work and no play!

One thing I do manage to find time to do is act. And, thankfully, things are loosening up a bit on that end. The last play I was in (Calendar Girls) was cancelled after opening night by the pandemic. I'm currently in Hunchback of Notre Dame and having a blast!

Another thing I did for myself this year was buy a piano. I try to practice on that for at least a few minutes every day. I'm not trying to be a concert pianist by any means, but I'm having fun.

Before the pandemic I also was able to go to sip'n'paint classes every couple of months. So. Much. Fun. I have plenty of ideas saved for paintings I want to do....when I find the time to do it.

I also love needlework - knitting, crocheting, tatting, sewing. I try to arrange my time to do a little of that in the evenings (right now, though, the evenings are tied up with rehearsal - after the first weekend in June, that will change).

And, last but certainly not least, I enjoy writing. At Long and Short Reviews we have a fun writing prompt challenge every Friday. Come and play along with us, if you want. Feel free to also just drop by to read some really neat things. Several of the participants have continuing stories... it's so much fun!

What about you? What things do you unleash YOUR creativity on?


  1. Those are some great outlets! And I definitely feel you on time being the biggest limiting factor for creative outlets. (I was trying to do a web comic for a little while, and even setting it up to require as little effort as possible it was just too much...)

  2. So glad you've been able to get back to acting. That's not only creative, but social--something we've all been missing for over a year.
    Yes, creative outlets do take time--but they produce something, with a beginning and an end. So many jobs are always in crisis, and you never get a feeling of satisfaction from being DONE. That's what my creative outlets provide for me.


  3. I didn't know you were a thespian. That's so neat! How many plays have you been in (if you remember a rough estimate)?

    Needlework is super cool, too. How long did it take you to learn that stuff? Is it easier to, say, knit if you already know how to crochet? Someday I'd like to figure that stuff out, too.

    My post:

  4. Some really good creative activities. Acting is a great one.

  5. I'm so jealous of your theater group... and glad it's up again!

  6. I used to love acting, and still love the theatre. Can't wait till they reopen.

  7. I'm glad your theatre group is going again. That's what the tot wants to do, so it'll be good when ours opens up, too.


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