Friday's Feast

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I just happened to click over to Friday's Feast and it's already up. Heck, yeah! I'm going to jump on the bandwagon early. Don't forget to check out LASR's St. Patrick's Day Contest and the Ultimate Blog Party (I don't have the link to that, because it's not supposed to be up yet). I'll add it in the morning.

And, I don't suppose this is ACTUALLY supposed to be up yet either.. but to paraphrase the old saying... it's Friday somewhere.

Anyway, welcome to the new edition of Friday's Feast.


If you could be any current celebrity for one whole week, who would you want to be? Hmmmm... can I have their minds and memories and keep them after the week? If so...I want to be The Nora (Roberts) and write like she does... from now on :-). Well...without the headhopping.. just with the pay checks ;-)


On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you enjoy talking on the phone? I guess a six or seven. If I'm talking to the kids... eight to ten (depending on how tired I am). I don't mind it... I don't love it either. It's like driving. It's something that needs done. chanel handbags


Name a charitable organization to which you have donated (or would like to). St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I've donated to them for years. I've had several friends who had relatives St. Jude has helped. I also donate to Shriner's Hospitals. Both of these institutions do wonderful jobs helping kids...and kids are near and dear to my heart.

Main Course

What is a food you like so much you could eat it every single day for a month? Well.. chocolate of course. What do you mean you don't mean chocolate! Well.. I guess pizza then. Actually...chocolate and pizza every day for a month? Sounds good to me. :-)


Have you or anyone in your family had the flu this year? No, knock on wood!


  1. Dear heavens... our answers to two questions are almost identical.

    That's just a little scary.

    Happy (almost) Friday feast!

  2. I thought about chocolate too, but went with Spaghetti because it seemed more like a meal. LOL!

  3. Great feast! Chocolate is wonderful... if only I can take them everyday and it don't give me sore throats!! ;P

  4. thanks for dropping by Judy :) I wish you won't get any flu either. It is very difficult if one of your family members have it, especially the kids.

    i'd love to have chocolates for a month too... :)

  5. That's the second "Nora Roberts" I've seen today. Interesting.

    Good feast today. Please come visit mine. Happy FF!

  6. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Really enjoyed your feast!

    Chocolate and pizza sound good to me!

    Like your salad. Those are both worthy charities to give donations.

  7. chocolate and pizza ... interesting and yummy combination! :)
    happy FF!

  8. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Great feast you have here! Chocolate and Pizza sounds good to me too;)

  9. There are gaps in my celebrity knowledge. Have to go find out who Nora Roberts is. Mmm. Pizza, chocolate... both good foods.

  10. Thanks for stopping by. Chocolate and pizza sounds fine to me :) I must do my party post.........

  11. Anonymous9:19 AM

    a person after my own heart...chocolate!!

  12. Love your answers! I consider pizza a variation of the bread & cheese theme--and I can't believe I forgot chocolate!

  13. I agree with your salad.

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    absolutely addicted to chocolates! :D
    great feast.. have a nice weeekend!

  15. Anonymous11:03 AM

    What a great feast you have. Have a wonderful day.

  16. Oh yum! I could live with the pizza and chocolate!

    Yep, I knocked too!

  17. I would have chosen pizza as well if I still had the same metabolism level that I had when I was younger.

    Thanks for stopping by my feast and have a great weekend!

  18. Anonymous2:46 PM

    wow i love chocolmates too like you! happy feasting!

  19. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Great feast! A little money sure would help us all. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  20. Ohhh chocolate..oh how I miss it! :) Thanks for stopping by!! The pic of the lighthouse was taken in Byron Bay, Australia. :)


  21. What a marvellous salad!!

    You can find my feast at:

    Laane on the World

    Have a great weekend!!!

  22. That was a great chose for Shriners and St. Jude. I forgot about them when I answered mine. Shiners has helped my nephew numerous time! It is so great for the children to have them on there side!! Have a great weekend! I will have a blog party in a few days, Hope you'll stop by!

  23. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Chocolate and pizza! Yummo! Yay!



  24. hi thanks for dropping by my blog. kare-kare? well it's more of like a beef stew with veggies and peanut sauce and you match it with fish paste to make it really tasty. it's a filipino dish. =)

    chocolates and pizza are what we call happy food in our home.

    looking forward to the next FF!


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