Friday's Feast 154 and August Happiness Challenge Day Three

Oh, my goodness. I was working so hard this morning I completely forgot today was Friday!! Here, better late than never, is my entry. If you are going to play along, leave a comment at Friday's Feast.

*This feast contains leftovers from April 2006. Consume at your own risk!*

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you? Okay, as everyone knows I'm a GRITS, so of course I'm going to be polite, bless your heart. My mama would take a switch to me if I was anything but. :-)

What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? Marianne and I were chatting working last night and we started talking about silly songs. I jumped right over to You Tube and looked at all the VeggieTale videos I could find. And, then shared them with my husband. I had to laugh at his reaction. He admitted they were cute, but also admitted he had thought I was kidding when I told him I hadn't grown up yet. Now he knows better :-)

Who is your favorite cartoon character? I don't have a favorite any more. I don't particularly like the cartoons these days. My favorite was Mighty Mouse.

Main Course
Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had. I don't really remember any of my teachers being funny. How sad is that???

Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that ______________________.
I strongly believe that everyone should find something in their lives that makes them happy.

And, how is that for a seque into

Today, happiness means giving you one more chance to try to guess my favorite silly song. I posted yesterday's so late I was afraid it wouldn't get seen by everyone... so guess either on here or
there. I'll post the actual song tomorrow.


  1. Ah Mighty Mouse. Brings back memories. :) I absolutely agree with your dessert. Good feast!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. oh I like Mickey Mouse too.. delicious feast!

    take care and happy Friday :)

  3. I've been earlier, but saw you haven't serve your feast... So the shameless me now shows up again and there, you've served up a blast. Mighty Mouse to be my fav... :D

    Have a blessed weekend, Judy!

  4. I'm guessing Barbara Manatee for your favorite Veggie Tales song. That's one of my personal favorites, although I also like the Water Buffalo and the Pirates who don't do Anything.

  5. hi judy, this is creative of you, oh actually i haven't had breakfast yet and this is a nice start for a meal, hehehe, let me share some of my faves, i like the smurfs and I don't recall if there was ever a cartoon series for wonderwoman, i dreamt i was like her ^^


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