Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Languages I'm Learning or Wanting to Learn

I was late to the party, but I've been doing Spanish on DuoLingo (500+ days so far). It helps that I already knew a smattering of Spanish (when I was in elementary school.... mostly through a public television program that aired once a week. It was always fun seeing the TV being rolled in on its cart. Then I took Spanish in high school... but what I learned there.... well, you know what they say. If you don't use it, you lose it. So, I'm enjoying DuoLingo and can even (kinda) order and talk to the servers at our favorite Mexican restaurants.. lol.

I would also LOVE to learn Irish.... according to DuoLino, "Irish is the national language of Ireland with over 94,000 people using Irish in their day to day lives." Amazingly enough, there are 1.93 million active learners. I have to admit, it's a LOT harder than But, I shall perservere! Just not as fast as I do with Spanish .

Edited to Add: DuoLingo Profile


  1. Congratulations on being 500+ days into Spanish Duolingo. I’m on a 763 day streak myself. :)

    Irish would be a cool language to learn, too.

  2. Your post made me think of this (funny) short film about learning Irish:

  3. I've been learning Spanish on and off, but I find German easier.

  4. When I was studying Spanish in college, I'd find the Spanish broadcast of PBS and watch Sesame Street. Helped so much! And was geared towards kids, so on my comprehension level. LOL

    Man, I tried Irish too and there are either too many vowels or not enough. Hah. Congrats on the 500 day streak, too!

    My post

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Irish is interesting. It's looking as if everyone else is using Duolingo!

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I'm not Anonymous, I'm Priscilla King, logged into Google but not taking extra time to invite extra cookies.


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