Wednesday Weekly Blogging: A Job I Would be Good At

Today's topic is a job I would be good at. I'm.. ahem... a woman of certain age... and in my past life I've had a multitude of jobs. During high school I worked at a bookstore as a clerk and I helped during summer school as a teacher's aid (my first "teaching" job, but definitely not my last).

In the years between high school and now, I've taught school, had a brief stint as a supermarket cashier, and was the assistant director of a preschool. I've also worked as an English language instructor at a British school in Brazil (funny story... since I was teaching British English, I had a time or two when I forgot the American word for something .. most notably, I had to ask someone what a return ticket was in the US...and when a middlegrader came up and asked me for a rubber, I asked him why he needed it. "To rub out my answer, Tia."

During the time I lived in Brazil, I was also an editor/writer for ShadowKeep ezine...such a fun job. I hated when it closed down.

I've worked in the library in circulation and in the children's department and as a preschool teacher.... I've taught every grade level except college.

And now, of course, there's Goddess Fish Promotions and Long and Short Reviews... where I do a little bit of everything.

And, I was good at all of them... lol... and enjoyed them.

I honestly can't can't think of any job that I wouldn't be good at... except modeling. Well, if they want a chunky shrimp, I would even be willing to give that a whirl.


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Wow, you’ve done so many different things!

    Living in Brazil must have been cool.


  2. You've certainly been busy, Judy!

  3. A remarkable life and keep on going for what you love.

  4. The British and American English conflicts must have been amusing sometimes! Have you ever gone back to Brazil?

    1. Unfortunately not. I did thoroughly enjoy my time there, thought.

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    That's quite a variety! I'm honestly a bit jealous, especially of the travel involved.

    1. Blogspot is acting weird for me today. I'm Priscilla King, this is an independent comment...That whole "divided by a common language" thing is at least interesting. I can relate to thinking of a word in one dialect and not immediately recognizing its meaning in the other. Do you find that one usage or spelling just makes more intuitive sense, for you, regardless of where you plan to publish or whom you have the pleasure of addressing?

      I often catch myself reminding myself "It's 'neighbour' here" or "It's 'focused' here," and feeling that "neighbour" and "focused" just look WRONG, anywhere.

  6. ...That last comment was mine. Not sure what happened with the login, there.

    1. Comments go wonky sometimes. I have to sign in myself every comment... so. much. fun.


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