Welcome to The Friday Five writing prompt sponsored by Long and Short Reviews! Five different words each week to get the creative juices flowing. To visit the other participants, click here.
Today's words are: bank, first-hand, slip, deal, priority
Jennifer chewed her lower lip as she looked over her latest bank account. She knew first-hand how hard it was to stay out of debt, and she didn't want to slip back into old behaviors. Yes, the deal her landlord was offering sounded good, but her first priority had to be to build up a comfortable nest egg. She didn't want to have to go back to living paycheck to paycheck again, and buying the house outright would take a huge bite out of her savings. On the other hand, she would own the house outright instead of watching that rent money float out the window. Before she made a final decision, she needed to talk to her dad.
No Sister Mary Francis? LOL...