Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Show Us Your Bookcase(s)

Okay... mine are a total mess (don't judge....I don't have too many books, I have too few bookcases!!) I have books scattered all through the house. So, with no further ado (and if anyone feels sorry for me and has the overpowering desire to come and make some order out of this chaos... I have spare rooms AND a pool!!) 


 P.S. These are only counting the books that are somewhat organized in shelves....not the ones sitting in piles next to my


  1. I like seeing bookcases that are so full! You must never run of things to read. :)

  2. Oh, I love those shelves! I mean yes, a little cluttered maybe, but that's what bookshelves are *for*!

  3. Neat books are not read books. This looks warm and cozy and perfect for reading.

  4. I can totally relate to these shelves! Great collection!

  5. I like the bookcases with cabinets at the batten.


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