Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: A Unique Talent You Have

Okay... the grammar nerd in me first has to dispute that any talent I have is "unique." Unique means "being the only one"..."being without a like or equal"..."distinctively characteristic"..."able to be distinguished from all others of its class or type"...(Merriam Webster)

I know my so-called "talent" isn't unique because my mama also possesses this ability.

I can pick things up and pinch with my toes. It comes in handy when I'm too lazy to bend down and pick something up (or I'm in the car and it's cramped) or when I want to aggravate my kids or grandkids :-)

What about you? Do you have a talent not many other people have?


  1. It's surprisingly handy!

  2. Its great when talents are inherited. Its a feeling of carrying it through the ages. Happy to help or talk any time if I can be of help.

  3. I love this answer! Too funny.

    My toes are not that dexterous. LOL.

  4. My betrothed can do that as well - it weirds me out watching her!

  5. That would be very handy. I'm now picturing that scene in The Suicide Squad where Harley Quinn unlocks her shackles with her toes.


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