Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Things I Wish I Were Better at

This post would go for hours and bore everyone of you if I were to list all the things I wish I were better at-- way more things than I feel I'm competent at. I can make do with just about everything I do in life...but I know in every aspect I could do better.

1. I could certainly be a better housekeeper... I manage to stay one step ahead of the health department, but I would love to be able to keep house like some of my friends. Their homes always look like a magazine ad! So beautiful.

2. I wish I could sing better. I've got a good choir voice, but solos? Yeah, there's a bit lacking there unfortunately.

3. I wish I was better at making my yard beautiful (see above #1).
4. Okay... I'm a good cook, but I wish I were better at cleaning up after myself.. lol... again, see #1. One reason I don't cook as much as I could...I hate the aftermath. Thankfully my husband is more than willing to pick up the slack. He also works for himself and on days he's not working and I am, he does a lot of the kitchen chores!

Those are a few of the things I wish I were better at... and, truth be known, I could probably improve given the time...but, who has the time? There are so many things to do, so many books to read, so much life to live... priorities priorities :-)


  1. It's cool that you have a good choir voice!

    My post:

  2. Your singing and that makes the soul complete. Growing things is also one of my wishes.

  3. We are samsies on singing... I have a great choir voice, lol. When we're old and gray together, you can cook and I'll clean. I hate cooking.

  4. I wish I were better at cooking. I'm just not good at it. But I hate cleaning, too, so I guess I have issues. Lol!

  5. Love to cook but don't like cleaning up. When the kids were young it was easy to give them the chores of washing and drying dishes. So happy my hubby helps, though. Great post!

  6. I'm a little jealous of your choir voice, to be honest. My singing voice is better suited to portraying a deeply disgruntled cat.

    My response is here.

  7. Lots of folks have mentioned singing this week. Thank you so much for sharing!

  8. I can so relate to the housekeeping. I loathe cleaning. You do it and then you just have to do it again. And again. It never stops!

  9. I can relate on the singing. I do miss my singing voice. Haven't trained in years.


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