Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: How I Would Fare in a Zombie Apocalypse

I took one of those online quizzes one time about this very subject (here it is). I didn't do so well... in fact, if I were in school, I would have received a D (67% chance of survival). Better than some, but not as well as I would like.

I would do okay if I can find a place where there aren't a lot of people and hopefully just hide and ride it all out! Heaven help us all if I have to outrun them (of course, if they are all brainless shuffling things, maybe I can avoid them). Not that great with a gun...and from what I've seen, guns don't do all that well anyway... they are already dead.

Yep... I need to hole up until they all die out. I want a fully stocked pantry and a lot of books. I'll wait them out. What about you?


  1. girl you are smarter than a zombie - remember that !!

  2. Yeah I just did this quiz over on ilovebooksandstuffblog and I basically got a 50/50 shot. I think hiding in a basement with a mountain of books is my only real chance XD

  3. stocked with books sounds good to me. I'd need notebooks, too, but who's being picky in an apocalypse?

  4. Yeah, that seems like a good plan to me. A zombiepocalypse is no time to start taking risks!

    My post:

  5. Yes to the books! And I just finished reading Monster Hunter International. The zombies are fast and freaking scary in that book! I don't think I'd be able to survive for long myself.

  6. Goodness! I'd be afraid to take this quiz, Judy. I think I'll come join you in your safe hole. Enjoyed your post. :)

  7. I just took the quiz because I'm super curious. I got a 74.8%! That's better than I thought. Apparently, I have more skills than I realized. lol But, I'd rather just wait it out at the library. That's where I'd head to!

  8. Not a bad plan. Probably should have a few early warning alarms. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

  9. I agree lots of books, good heavy ones you can throw at them.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I took the quiz and fared better than I thought I would with 70.8%, though that is about the lowest test score I've seen in years. I guess watching The Walking Dead was more than mere entertainment.

    I think having a supply of books is brilliant, and so are trees. In most zombie lore, they can't climb.

  12. Avoid The Danger seems like a very good plan, to be honest.

    My answer is here.

  13. I think you'd do fine, Judy. Just find the nearest library and settle down there. The librarians will know what to do anyway, and you'll be able to read your way through the apocalypse!

  14. Sounds like a plan. Stock up and hide!


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