Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favorite Things to Do In the Spring

Spring is my second favorite season of the year (summer's my favorite, but only because I'm a 100% water baby!!). But spring has its own kind of beauty. I love the freshness of it... the feel of the air after winter (okay, y'all who live in the north can stop laughing about the fact us Southerners say we have "winter"... it's winter enough for us!!)

I love to hear the birds perk up and see them fluttering around getting their nests made. We usually have several nests around the house. Last year one pair decided to nest in our porch light... and they are back again this year. Thankfully, it's bright enough late enough we don't really need to turn on the light.

I get to play in the dirt... Bob just tilled up the spot for my butterfly garden, and I can hardly wait to get out and rake all the weeds and grasses out of it and start sowing my seeds. Love the look of a wild space in our yard that attracts bees, hummingbirds, butterflies...the sight of the blooming flowers makes me happy.

And, my absolute favorite thing to do in the spring is get my pool ready for summer (remember what I said about being a water baby?). It's not that I love the work it takes... but the end result is oh-so-wondeful...I want it ready so as soon as it's warm enough to take that plunge, I can start my water workouts again.

And, thankfully, all of these things can be done from the comfort and safely of my own home. Y'all stay safe out there, friends. And.. make sure you check in to let me know how you are doing.


  1. I had a backyard full of milk weed as it's supposed to be what Monarch butterflies feed on. I saw one Monarch butterfly all summer and it was on my flowers. I never knew milk weed grew to ten feet tall.

  2. I'm a water baby, too!

    Your butterfly garden sounds lovely. Hope you get to enjoy it a lot this spring.

    My post:

  3. The flowers and how the world seems to blossom...that's what I love. :-) Cool!

  4. My roses are beginning to bloom! Absolutely in love with spring, especially right now. I'm unable to get out to the nursery, so I'll have to be content with taking care of what I have at the moment. Be well and safe. xo

  5. I share a lot of the things you enjoy about Spring. We had snow for months and it's still predicted. But the Spring flowers are struggling to pop their leaves out of the dead ground. Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

  6. Oh! A butterfly garden! That sounds lovely! Stay safe!

  7. When our kids were young, we'd take them out hiking in forest preserves year round, to use up their eternal energy. I told them that each season has a smell. In the winter, it just smells cold, since our noses can't notice much in air that cold. In the spring, it smells "green", when everything is coming back to life. The summer smells sweet, since flowers are in bloom everywhere, and you can get intoxicated from the variety of fragrances wafting into your nostrils. And fall smells spicy, as the summer flowers are gone, and the fall ones bloom, with different aromas from the earlier flowers.

    I love to swim also, but have to wait for camping when we can swim in lakes. Our local pool is okay, but always crowded. I grew up with a 4-ft. pool in my backyard. I really miss that sometimes.

  8. Oh! A butterfly garden sounds WONDERFUL!! I want one too now.
    I hope it turns out gorgeous for you. The world needs all the gorgeousness it can get right now.

  9. I love the sound of your butterfly garden :)


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