The Writer's View: Brett Scott Ermilio

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Brett Scott Ermilio will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Writer's View

A desktop computer, a pair of head phones, hand-chosen music, a black office chair and a lot of self-driven motivation. That’s how it all begins for me each morning. I wake up like a child wanting to rush down to see what they got for Christmas. Except for me, it is the rush of typing and writing something that excites me the most. I am child inside, chasing stories and dreams on a daily basis—and I love every minute of it.

I don’t weigh myself against anyone else’s process. For me, my writing space is an ever-evolving world. I have four children and a very understanding, supportive wife. I have two small dogs that make lots of noise. My day fluctuates in and out of chaos. I write when I can and I am very fortunate to be able to jump in and out of stories with ease.

For me, writing equates to a special kind of love. It is often times a blessing and sometimes a curse. I love to create stories and do so every day. But when you wake up at 3AM and have to start writing down notes circulating in your non-stop working subconscious, you feel chained to your mind. And if those thoughts keep you awake the majority of the night as you work through a long challenging story, then so be it. You stay up. It can be love/hate at times. More often than not, though, it’s love.

I sit in my chair and thunder away at my keyboard each and every day. If I don’t get some time at the computer, I get grumpy and frustrated. There is an internal drive that must be fulfilled. There are no minimums and there is no limit. Each day is a different journey and I am satisfied to work whenever I can. It is the process that is so extraordinary; the long drawn out process.

I often have ideas written down, a short-list of preparation. I also leave a lot of space for sudden bursts of original thought. The combination of being a plotter and pantser is my way; and as a writer, there is no other way. Each writer works by their own set of guidelines and inspirations. We each have our way. There is no one. I find that so invigorating.

As the music repeats (I often listen to the same song over and over again if it provides me that ample inspiration), I type. I fall into a perfect rhythm of creativity and execution. The thoughts pour through my mind down to my fingertips. My fingers strike the keys and personal magic is created. Every word can be scrutinized later. I do my best to be perfect now. Later is later; and later is for editing. I finish a session and sit back with a big smile on face. “There’s seven pages down.” My goal is ten a day; minimum. Sometimes I reach twenty. Time guides my production.

I love writing. I am one of many. My goal is to share my stories with the world and humbly attract an audience for all my tales. I have no specific genre. I let my heart guide me from project to project and I just go. Sometimes an inspiration is sparked from a picture. Sometimes it is another person’s work. It comes from everywhere. But once my candle is light I burn like a Roman blaze until I finish. Nothing can stop me.

Thank you for being a part of my process. I hope you enjoy my stories. I tell them in many different ways and I always promise one thing; I will always challenge myself as I want to challenge my readers. I will allow nothing but the best from me. I hope you see my work the same way. Happy reading!

MediaKit_BookCover_TheConnollyAffairNicki Connolly’s life has flat lined. Nicki’s dull marriage to her husband, Aiden, flounders further and further into a hopeless abyss. Despite the setbacks, Nicki attempts to balance being a working mother, a successful attorney and relishes the distractions of a budding romance with a man named Taylor Diamond. Nicki has been assigned lead attorney in a massive class-action lawsuit that will make or break her career at the firm of Rapture and Myers. That is when the handsome Taylor Diamond appears in her life.

Taylor Diamond has been named second chair for the big case. Taylor has it all: looks, brains, a strong family name and many connections. But dark forces loom and converge upon Nicki and Taylor. As obstacles grow, the two form a fiery bond just as the case and her life reach an epic breaking point.

The Connolly Affair delivers a suspense-filled thrill ride that will have readers on the edge of their seats.

Enjoy an excerpt:

See, everything new became old. Everything special became ordinary. I’d love to blame him for my betrayals, but mirrors are all too honest. And there was no way around it. I made this choice.

But even so, it is hard to fathom happiness, evaporating like a water droplet on a blistering hot day. And that’s what happened. Our spark was gone, our flame had dulled.

And there it was. I had a wonderfully honest and kind husband, I had two amazing children, I was a partner at my law firm, and in a single fall moment I risked it all.

MediaKit_AuthorPhoto_TheConnollyAffairAbout the Author: Award winning writer Brett Scott Ermilio currently resides on the Jersey Shore with his nine colorful roommates: his loving wife, four beautifully chaotic children, three small yapping dogs and one moody fish.

The nephew of Neil Scott Bogart (The Disco King and founder of Casablanca Records), Brett has been writing stories since he was sixteen. His first completed screenplay was written at age seventeen. He won a screenwriting award for his move script, “Jacob.”

Over the years, Brett has written, directed and produced a feature film, worked on numerous screenplays. He had his first book published through Lyons Press: Going Platinum: KISS, Donna Summer and How Neil Bogart Built Casablanca Records, a biography highlighting the meteoric rise of Neil Bogart from birth to death.

Over the next year, Brett is releasing his highly anticipated romance/suspense trilogy, The Connolly Affair, and plans to continue writing enthralling stories and looks forward to sharing his thrilling adventures with the world.

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Buy the book at Amazon.


  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. This sounds like a real page-turner! Thank you for the post and contest!

  3. I enjoyed the post. Thank you for the post and the giveaway!

  4. I enjoyed reading the Writer's View


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