This stop is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotional. Leave a comment for a chance to win one of two personally autographed print copies of her novel, The Haversham Legacy.

What inspired me to write?

Looking back all these year (I’m 56 years young) I can easily tell you what inspired me to become an author.

I was born in the 1950’s and because my parents were both working at that time, I spent most of my time with my grandparents. Especially my granddad took care of me, because grandma had to do the cooking, cleaning, washing etc. He was a pensioner, who retired at the early age of 46 after having fought two world wars. He was well-educated and loved to read. I remember sitting on his lap while he was reading to me from Alexandre Dumas (in French, because he was raised in the French speaking part of Belgium). So not only was I drenched in literature, also in a foreign language!

Once I could walk and was some two years old, my grandmother began to take me along on her trips to the city library. It was a long way to go on short legs, but I did not complain. First of all, because I loved that stuffed old place with bookcases up to the ceiling, secondly because I was promised a big sack of Belgian frites when I went along. Oh yes, I was subject to bribes and for a bar of chocolate or some frites I’d do a lot!

When I began school, I already had a notebook in which I wrote my stories. I suppose I was 6 when I created my first! They were my own renditions of the fairy tales I heard – and I could spend time on it in class, because I was ever so bored. The lessons were not very interesting to me (little did I know then the reason was both my sister and I are blessed – or cursed – with a high IQ). I could learn nothing in my first years of primary school and thus I wrote stories. I even illustrated them – although even then my writing was a lot better than my drawing.

Later on, I realized that also my father had a talent for writing. He had never had the chance to take higher studies, because he was a youngster when World War II broke out, but he tried to get his certificate of education later on, when he was already married and working in the railway station. I found some of the essays he made then and they are beautiful pieces of writing. Dad could also make the most beautiful drawings, and my sister inherited that capacity.

Books have always been plenty in our house, and so it was no wonder when I said I wanted to become an author, every time I was asked the question!

About the Author:
Nickie Fleming was born and raised in the historical town of Dendermonde, Belgium – home of the legendary Horse Bayard.

She read English Literature at the University of Ghent, and got her master’s degree in philology. Since then, she has been working as a high school teacher.

Her interests besides reading and writing are travelling, skiing in winter and enjoying fine food.


England, mid seventeenth century. When young Sarah finds out that innkeeper Amos Jennings is not her father, she feels uncertain and scared. Her problems grow bigger when she starts a job as housekeeper and gets involved with two men who both want her love: the earl of Linfield, and his younger brother Richard. To escape these problems, Sarah takes off to London to begin a new life as actress at His Majesty’s Theatre.

Richard cannot forget the young woman her met at his brother’s. He is determined to find Sarah and make her his own--even his wife, despite what his family thinks of it. But love never comes easy. Richard and Sarah will have to face many a storm--even the Great Fire of London--before they can become one.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Thanks for having me over!

  2. Thank you for hosting Nickie today.

  3. Nice post. Thanks for sharing your story.



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