What a Day It Has Been

... what a rare mood I'm in... but it's not the feeling of being in love. I AM, but that's not the kind of day I've had. It's been a killer of a day. We've decided to expand our business a bit and have gotten into selling wood. The wood we sold today wasn't from trees we cut down, but we WILL be grinding the stumps. And, because of this, I've had a song going through my brain the last TWO DAYS. So, I thought I would share the pleasure with you.

On another note... Michael at Slightly Mordant is having a contest with four (yes, FOUR) really neat prizes. Just hop yourself on over there, read his rules, figure out the quote, and you have a chance :-) What are you still doing here??? Go... and tell him I sent you.


  1. I absolutly LOVE Monty Python movies!!

  2. never heard that one before! LOL

  3. That's a fun one. When I was in college, my hubby dressed as the lumberjack for Halloween... wore a cami of mine under his unbuttoned shirt, and some fuzzy bedroom mules (flats, at least), and sad to say, hardly anyone "got it".

    Too few people saw that the first time round, I guess.

  4. I love Monty Pytho too... but gee, thanks for sharing *rolls eyes* LOL!

    Now I've got it stuck in my head too!


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