I'm getting a late start to my day. And, it's all this woman's fault! I stayed up way too late last night finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
. So... today I'll pay the price. No worries, though. We don't have a very rough day ahead of us.
We have to take the work truck in to get the A/C fixed. Kinda funny story. We took it in several weeks ago to find out what was wrong. The compressor had gone out and our mechanic told us he could get us a used/rebuilt compressor, but in his experience it wasn't uncommon for a rebuilt one to blow out again after about three days and it was back to the beginning. So, he recommended getting a new compressor. More money, more reliability. Hey, this is his business.. he knows what he's talking about, right?
He orders the compressor... puts it in. Heaven! Instead of working in 98 degree heat and then climbing into a 110 degree truck to drive home, we can get into a comfortable truck to drive home. Everyone is happy.
Three days later... the compressor blows out. Go figure.
We're taking it back today to go back to the beginning.
Then... we have to take all our saws to get fixed. In the tree business, saws are a little important and we need to get some links taken out of the chains. They are getting stretched.
Then... it's back to the job site we've been on since... I don't know.. forever, maybe???? I'm ready for that job to be over. And.. we have a pile more work lined up, so I'm not sure when we'll be going back to the shore, but it won't be any time soon. But... that's okay. Work is good.
Hey, my good friend and writing buddy, Allie Boniface, has some exciting news. Her very first novel, One Night in Boston, is available. Check it out here. I remember this book during its writing and can't wait to get my copy. Rush out and buy it.. or enter the contest on her site and win a free download of her book along with a bunch of other goodies. I'm entering... I'm so in to contests (y'all didn't know that, did you?)
Hey, I read a quote yesterday that I really liked. I wanted to share it with y'all and get your reactions.
Your thoughts?
We have to take the work truck in to get the A/C fixed. Kinda funny story. We took it in several weeks ago to find out what was wrong. The compressor had gone out and our mechanic told us he could get us a used/rebuilt compressor, but in his experience it wasn't uncommon for a rebuilt one to blow out again after about three days and it was back to the beginning. So, he recommended getting a new compressor. More money, more reliability. Hey, this is his business.. he knows what he's talking about, right?
He orders the compressor... puts it in. Heaven! Instead of working in 98 degree heat and then climbing into a 110 degree truck to drive home, we can get into a comfortable truck to drive home. Everyone is happy.
Three days later... the compressor blows out. Go figure.
We're taking it back today to go back to the beginning.
Then... we have to take all our saws to get fixed. In the tree business, saws are a little important and we need to get some links taken out of the chains. They are getting stretched.
Then... it's back to the job site we've been on since... I don't know.. forever, maybe???? I'm ready for that job to be over. And.. we have a pile more work lined up, so I'm not sure when we'll be going back to the shore, but it won't be any time soon. But... that's okay. Work is good.
Hey, my good friend and writing buddy, Allie Boniface, has some exciting news. Her very first novel, One Night in Boston, is available. Check it out here. I remember this book during its writing and can't wait to get my copy. Rush out and buy it.. or enter the contest on her site and win a free download of her book along with a bunch of other goodies. I'm entering... I'm so in to contests (y'all didn't know that, did you?)
Hey, I read a quote yesterday that I really liked. I wanted to share it with y'all and get your reactions.
Plotting...would take out all the fun. ...writing a book was like finding a brilliantly colored string in the grass and following it to see where it might lead. Sometimes the string broke and left you with nothing. But sometimes-- if you were lucky, if you were brave, if you persevered-- it brought you to a treasure. And the treasure was never the money you got for the book; the treasure was the book.
-- Stephen King in Lisey's Story
Your thoughts?
hi judy, thanks for the comment and for the visit, nice site you got here, that quote made me think and it inspired me the more that i should just write as long as i can, there are times that i feel like giving up but i know i have to keep trying especially if there are readers out there who give compliments and encouragement, i wish i could also have one book of mine published, do you think that is possible? ^^
ReplyDeleteI think that quote is just great. :) And for me as a writer, it is so true. I know there are many plotters out there and that's what works for them. But it truly does take out the fun of writing if I plot. I've done it both ways, and writing SOTP (seat of the pants) usually flows so much better. Nice to know that someone as brilliant as Stephen King might feel that way too. Have a great day. :)
ReplyDeleteI finished up yesterday morning with HP#7. I still have questions, but for the most part I'm satisfied with it. I wanna know what happened to the Evans & Potters and I wanna know what jobs they got, if they went back to school.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your truck's AC. He should fix it for free since it only lasted 3 days!
I need to take mine in and get a leak in the cooling system fixed...it's a very slow leak but the smell of evaporating anti-freeze is sickening...and they should check the AC too.
Hi Judy! I haven't gotten a copy yet. Hopefully tomorrow (fingers crossed). :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a little paranoid I might encounter some spoilers along the way so I need to get the book the sooner the better.
Love the nice quote.
I'm dying to find out what happens at the end of the new HP book. No, not that one -- the manual for my HP printer!
ReplyDeleteOK, just kidding. I do want to know the ending to Deathly Hallows. And I haven't read any of the books! Don't make me go buy a copy, spill the beans, please! :)
I hesitate to comment about the quotation from Stephen King, not being a published writer, but have to say I found his remarks so refreshing, after ploughing through books on the theme of 'how to write a novel' that set out such prescriptive guidelines.
ReplyDeleteI always stay up way too late blogging or reading. When I wake up in the morning, tired, I swear I'll go to sleep earlier that night. However, come night and I'm doing the same thing. Am I crazy? LOL!
ReplyDeleteAh...I'm a Harry Potter fan too. I finally finished it yesterday but will end up reading it again to my seven year old daughter. We started the set on her sixth birthday and now I have read aloud all the way into the Half Blood Prince....
ReplyDeleteI was really glad about Snape. He was my favorite character. I would tell people that and they would look at me like I said that I really enjoyed Satan or something...
And any quote by Stephen King is a good thing. I tend to hate horror fiction, but I will read anything that he writes, he just has a knack for being immensely readable, yes?