New Contests/ RIP

Late breaking news. Kurt Vonnegut had died. Such sad news. I really enjoyed his work.

A new blogging friend, Risa, is hosting her first annual Mother's Day ParTea Goodies Giveaway. You don't have to be a mother in enter, but you do have to appreciate tea stuff. Go and sign up.


Paperback Writer is running a Bookwish Giveaway/Readers Poll on her site. You have to leave a comment at this post before midnight EST, tonight. So... hurry up.


This isn't a contest, but it's fun. I swiped this from Kailani of "An Island Life."

*Go to Google
*Click on Maps
*Click on Get Directions
*Type in from New York, New York to Paris, France
*Check out line #23

Go on... you know you want to!


And now it's time to go.


  1. Loved the directions... figured it would be something like that! LOL

  2. I heard about the google directions thing -- funny bunch of geeks, they are! :)

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    ROFL!!! Obviously, those directions were for Aquaman. *g*

  4. I was disappointed to find out that they don't have similar directions for going to Hawaii. It just says they couldn't give me driving directions. snore.

  5. Hey! You're the winner of this weeks contest... email me! Then pass the word -- there's a new contest starting today.

  6. Um, can I take a rowboat instead?


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