Monday Memories

Monday Memories: Did I ever tell you about MY CHICKEN ENCOUNTER?

When I lived in Brazil, I ran into things I'd never encountered before. Most of them were great: inexpensive meat, many different kinds of fruits, seafood galore. Well, one day I went to the store and bought a chicken. I took it home, turned on the filtered water to fill up my cooking pot, pulled the giblets out of the inside, and plopped them in the cooking pot. I began washing the chicken and getting off the tiny pinfeathers. I could tell the pot was about filled with water, so I turned off the water and picked up the pot to move it to the stove. There... floating in the water and looking at me... was a chicken head! Yes, my friends, not only do you get giblets when you buy a whole chicken in Brazil.. you get the feet and head as well.

I have to admit it. I screamed. I tossed the pot. Everything went on the floor and everyone came running to see what had happened. And... me? I only bought chicken already cut up after that.

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  1. Wow! you were brave. We only bought our food from the Commissary when we were in Korea...or bought it already cooked.

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Oh my gosh! I'd have totally freaked out!

  3. LOL chickens. We had two die last night -- under mysterious circumstances -- and I had to carry them off into the woods, head and feet and all!

    But in a pot? I don't think I could handle that.


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