Rush right over to Janice's at 5 Minutes for Mom and sign up for her wonderful new contest. She's giving away a lovely necklace from Allie's Originals.
5 Minutes for Mom is also the sponsor of the upcoming Ultimate Blog Party next month. Go and check out the beautiful necklace, enter the contest, and while you are there congratulate Janice on her exciting news.

And... you are all invited to a Tupperware Party. I am hosting this Online Party to tell you about all of the great products Tupperware has to offer to simplify your kitchen, home, and life! Click here to start shopping at my Tupperware Online Party. The party will only last until February 16. If you have any questions, please let me know. Or you may visit my Tupperware Consultant's Web site, Rebecca Walker. I hope you check it out if you've been thinking about getting some Tupperware. Now would be a great time! Personally, I'm planning on redoing my pantry and can't wait to get my little hands on some of the modular mates!!!

I'll post before and after photos... cause otherwise you might not believe it!


  1. Hmmm, Tupperware eh.
    Not really my thing but Romance Novels...
    Hmmm, not really my thing either
    Might come along to the blog party though.
    Michele sent me

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Hey! Email me again with what kind of blog template you want and I'll see what I can do. Do you want 2 or 3 columns? Colors? it for this blog?

    Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff going on!!! =-)


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