201 (just so I don't have to go back and count any more)

And... we have a winner. Tori Lennox is the winner of a book from my library. As soon as I hear from her with her email address, I'll send a list of the books available and send it off. Congratulations, Tori!

Also, rush over to Preditors&Editors Readers' Poll and vote for Marianne's short story, "Now That We've Found You." Go on... you know you want to.

We have had a busy busy day. We had about fifty stumps to take out of a yard. Nearly done... probably another two or three hours tomorrow. Then we have a few more stumps to do for another job.

If all goes well, we'll be leaving tomorrow night for the coast. It's been a long time since we've been able to go down and spend any amount of time. We've been twice since Thanksgiving, but both times quick trips (like in, drive down, spend the night, come home). Sure beats paying for a hotel, though! The plans are to leave tomorrow night and come back on Wednesday. I'll be sure and keep you posted though.

I have a lot of suggestions for changes to A God-given Husband, so I'll be printing those pages out and taking them with me. I won't be completely idle ... lol.

If I write my regular blog entries out in longhand and then post them when I get back, would that count as writing in my blog every day???


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I think it counts! I do it all the time... Enjoy your trip!

    Happy friday... Here from Michele's today!

  2. Yes.

    It's more than I would do!

  3. Absolutely it counts! I've done it a few times when I'm traveling or on tour promoting a book. Good luck with your stumps (ha!)

  4. Yay for Tori! Hey, I'll try to get the rest to you before you leave.

    Have a wonderful trip!!

  5. Anonymous2:29 PM


    We've had a stump in the corner of our lot that's been there since last April when our tornado took out the tree (which was pretty much dead anyway). But we have yet to find anybody actually willing to help us get rid of the stump. I keep trying to convince my parents we should just use it as a decorative element. *g*

  6. Hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. This is a return visit!

    I also maintain a reading blog (http://kimbofo.typepad.com/readingmatters) and I often give away books from my library. Books are meant to be shared, not sit on the shelf gathering dust!


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