Another Google Game

Another Google game from The Write Coast.

1. Google for Christmas (or the December holiday of your choice) plus your year of birth.
2. Post the most charming picture you can find.
3. Get misty with nostalgia over hot cocoa and peppermint cookies.

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I don't know how "charming" it is... but DH smokes a pipe and so did my grandfather (when he wasn't smoking nasty, smelly cigars... ugh!)... and I like the smell of pipe tobacco. I know it's not PC to admit it, but when have I ever been accusesd of being PC??

Play along with us. It's fun to see what comes up.


  1. My step-father smoked a pipe - I liked the smell of his apple flavored tobacco best, so I completely understand (although cigarette smoke makes me want to vomit).

    I did this meme. So did Charity. We're all about sharing.

    mbvigc - Melancholy Baby votes in gooey caramel. (No, it makes no sense at all).

  2. I'm gonna try this...

  3. All I got from google were personal photos of people overeating too much, not too charming...

  4. I did's it! Some really cool photos popped up and it was hard choosing. Christmas '66 must have been a bit boring though - I was born that following December and rumor has it..... =O)

  5. Hey, thanks for playing!

    My grandfather smoked a pipe, and the smell of pipe smoke really makes me miss him. He had this weird trick of popping his false teeth out and back in without them losing grip on his pipe! Used to freak the hell out of us kids.

    I do, however ADORE the smell of a good cigar. Mmmmm ...

  6. I LOVE the smell of both pipe and cigar smoke. When I did this Google Game, I almost used a picture of a group of four gathered in the LR and the man had a nice smoking jacket on. I love that era.

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