Mama Spice?


Ashley and her friends were "playing make-up" tonight (these girls are college students, btw) and decided that I needed to join in the fun. Heather decided I looked like one of the Spice Girls... lol. Whachathink? Should I save this for my next book cover? Posted by Picasa


  1. Funny! Love the pony tails -- but you need more lipstick to really look like a Spice Girl ;-)

    bpsgvr - Boys playing soccer go very rapidly

  2. Nah maybe that girl from Hee Haw. LOL! (Just pulling your leg)

  3. Lol! You could almost stand in for Geri Halliwell! :P

    Girls+Booze+Anything that makes any type of mark = **DANGER ZONE**

  4. Today on Go Fug Yourself they have a pic of Baby Spice and I had to laugh... check it out!

    kvrjseh - Kate very realistically jumped Sam's earnest helicopter


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