Just Do It

I've been Internet hopping this morning, visiting different authors' sites, entering contests (I love the auto-fill feature on the Google taskbar!) and, just generally, feeling jealous of all the writers who have books published. Then it came to me...they are successful, partly, because they probably don't waste their time wandering around the Internet entering contests. They are busy utilizing the BIC method of writing. Butt in Chair. Now, I admit, my butt is in my chair, but I'm not pursuing my dream... my goals. I have a short story I need to expand three-fold, a new chapter to write in Fiona's Dream, a first-reader report to do for E-Press, and a couple of critiques to do for my writing group. It's going to be a busy afternoon! But, first, I'm going to take 15 minutes and go mop my kitchen floor.


  1. You go girl!! This is OUR year... right?

    Don't forget F102 starts tomorrow, too. Just in case you didn't have enough to do.

    I'm a freak about blog-hopping, too, and MAN is it a time sucker.


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